
LXK6106A GainBlock

  • The LXK6106 is a high linearity amplifier covering 700 to 4000 MHz. This GaAs HBT delivers high performance across a broad range of frequencies while achieving +43 dBm OIP3 and +30.0 dBm P1dB while only consuming 250 mA quiescent current .An active bias network included in the device provides stable current over temperature and process Beta variations.
  • 1、Frequency band: 700 to 4000MHz

    2、Typical Gain: 12dB@2.6GHz

    3、High OIP3:43dBm@2.6GHz

    4、High P1dB: 30.3dBm@2.6GHz

    5、+5V Single Supply,250mA Current

    6、Temperature compensation

    7、 Industry standard SOT-89 package

  • Technical support phone:0592-5768670-808

    Technical support Email:info@creotechco.com

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