

Double-Throw (SPDT) high power switch with 50Ω matched outputs,Small DFN (6-pin,1.6mmx1.6mm).

  • The LXK6202A is a Single-Pole, Double-Throw (SPDT) high power switch with 50Ω matched outputs. The high linearity performance and low insertion loss achieved by the LXK6202A make it an ideal choice for WiMAX and higher power WLAN applications such as access points.

  • 1、LTE/4G systems

    2、Low insertion loss: 0.7 dB @ 2.5 GHz

    3、High isolation: 30 dB @ 2.5 GHz

    4、IP1dB: +37 dBm

    5、Small, DFN (6-pin,1.6x1.6mm) package

  • Technical support phone:0592-5768670-808

    Technical support Email:info@creotechco.com

Product recommendation
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